Netherlands Radio List
- 010 Radio
- 076Radio
- 077 Radio
- 100% Music
- 100% NL
- 100% NL Feest
- 100% NL Liefde
- 100%NL Nonstop
- 18Hits
- 192 Radio
- 1Twente FM
- 24 Kitchen Radio
- 24Disco
- 24Gold
- 3voor12 Radio
- 4 Decades Radio
- 40UP Radio
- 45 Toeren Radio
- 4Allsounds
- 4EVER49 Radio
- 4EverRadio
- 538 Dance Department
- 538 Festival Radio
- 538 Global Dance Chart
- 538 Hitzone
- 538 Ibiza
- 538 Nonstop
- 538 Party
- 538 Top 40
- 538 Verruckte Stunden
- 538NL
- 53L8
- 60XL Radio
- 80s Alive
- 80s Hitradio
- 80s Top Hits Radio
- 80xl FM
- 87-96 Radio
- A Radio
- A1Lounge
- A28FM
- Aardschok Radio
- Absoluut FM
- ABTT Adje Boumans Top Tien
- ABW-Radio
- Accent FM Netherlands
- AccentFM Nl
- Achterhoek FM
- Acoustic FM
- ACRadio
- ADM Hardstyle
- Africa Radio Netherlands
- African Hip Hop Radio
- African Hit Radio
- Afrodread FM
- Airdance Radio
- Aladna FM
- Alaska Radio
- Albatros En Patricia
- Albatrosen Patricia Superfans
- Album Radio
- Alcatraz Team Radio
- Alfa Radio Netherlands
- Alien Broadcast Radio
- Alkmaar Centraal
- All Day Jazz
- All Oldies Channel
- All Sports Radio
- AllAroundRadio
- Alles Plat
- AllRadio
- Alphen Stad FM
- Amadeus Radio
- AMFM Radio
- Amor FM
- Amore FM
- Ampere Radio
- Amsterdam FM
- Amsterdam Funk Channel
- Amsterdams Most Wanted
- Andys 80s
- Angel Radio NL
- Angelic FM
- Anigli Scans Radio
- Antares FM
- Anzo Radio
- Apcs Radio
- Apres Ski Radio
- Arabnights Radio
- Arizona Habesha Radio
- Aroer FM
- Arrenslee Radio
- Arrow Caz Radio
- Arrow Classic
- Arrow Classic Rock
- Arrow Jazz FM
- Arta Radio
- Arviebeats FM
- Astradio
- Atalanta FM NL
- Athenes Olijf
- AtlanticaBreda
- Audio Express
- Avidity FM
- AVRO Baroque
- Avro Easy Listening
- AVRO Old School Radio
- AVROTROS Baroque
- AVROTROS Filmmuziek
- AVROTROS Klassieken
- Avulo FM
- Awokey Radio
- AzzurroRadio
- B-FM
- Baars Classic Rock
- Back 2 The 80s
- Back To The 90s
- Back To The Old School
- Balansradio
- Barbapapa Radio
- Basila Chill
- BDS Radio
- Be Young FM
- Beat Flex Amsterdam
- Beat Flex Rotterdam
- Beat Flex Utrecht
- Beat FM 106.3
- Beats2dance Radio
- Beatz Sounds Radio
- Bee Radio
- Beethoven Channel
- Bel Air Jazz Club
- Bellamy FM
- Berkelland FM
- Best 8D Audio Music
- Best Djs Sets
- BesteHitsNL
- Beyond The Beat Generation
- Bierradio
- Big B21
- Big City Radio
- Bingo FM
- Bitter Sweet Music NL
- Blaasmuziek non-stop
- Black Jack and Siena
- Black Metal Domain
- BlockTalk Radio
- Bloomingdale Radio
- Bloomingstate Radio
- BluesBeat
- Blur FM
- BNew Radio
- BNR Nieuws Radio
- Bo de omroep van de Bollenstreek
- Bo Radio Bonaire
- Bob en Carlos FM
- Bobsel Radio
- BoekenFM
- BoemerangFM
- Bonanza Radio
- Bonanza Team
- Boombar Radio
- BoomFM Live
- Boschtion FM
- BrainMusic
- BredaNu
- BrightFM
- BrightFM Kids
- BrightFM Plus
- Brute Beats
- C Dance RETRO
- Cafe_80s
- CalypsoRadio
- Cam FM Netherlands
- Camper Radio
- Candlelight Radio
- Capri Team
- Cardea Music Radio
- CaribaFM
- Carnaval Radio
- Castricum105
- Celcor Team
- CeltCast Radio
- Centrum Radio Valkenswaard
- ChattersplazaRadio
- Chatul Desire Net
- Checkem FM
- Chill Hits 4U
- Chill-Out Radio Gaia
- Chilling Station
- Christmas Jukebox
- Christmas Songs Radio
- CITY FM Classic Rock
- City Music 24/7
- City Radio 24/7
- Classic FM Chill Out
- Classic FM Nederland
- Classic FM Opera
- Classic FM Soundtracks
- Classic Freaks
- Classic Hits 106
- Classic Rock Records
- Classical Radio International
- Classicnl
- Classicnl – Mind Radio
- Classicnl – Opera
- Classicnl – Soundtracks
- Classix Radio
- Club Dance Radio
- ClubDDD FM
- Clubstitute Dance Radio
- Coastline iRadio
- CoastlineFM
- Cobra Team Radio
- Columbia FM
- Combi Top 100
- Combinatie Team
- Compleet FM
- Complete Team
- Concert Zender
- Concertzender
- Concertzender Barok
- Concertzender Filmmuzie
- Concertzender Folk it!
- Concertzender Gaudeamus
- Concertzender Geen dag zonder Bach
- Concertzender Gregoriaans
- Concertzender Hard Bop
- Concertzender Jazz
- Concertzender JazzNotJazz
- Concertzender Klassieke Muziek
- Concertzender Nieuwe Muziek
- Concertzender November Music
- Concertzender Orient Express
- Concertzender Oude Muziek
- Concertzender POP
- Concertzender Raakvlakken
- Concertzender Radiophonics
- Concertzender Solta a Franga
- Concertzender Wereldmuziek
- Concertzender X Rated
- ConnectFM
- Cool Dance Radio
- Costa Hit Radio NL
- Country-4all
- Country2000
- Country58 Radio
- Crossroads Country Radio
- Curacao FM
- DaBeat
- DagRoosendaal
- Dance Classic
- Dance Classic 1 FM
- Dance FM Netherlands
- Dance Music Radio
- Dance Radio 1
- Dance Radio Amsterdam
- Dance Track
- Dance4 Life DJ
- Dancegroove Radio
- Danceline FM
- DancevibesRadio
- Darkie Dream Radio
- Das Total Erlebnis
- Dawn Worldwide Radio
- DB 96.2
- db962 Dance Radio
- DBeatsFM 70s and 80s Disco
- DBeatsFM Disco Radio
- DBS Radio Netherlands
- De Draaiorgel Radio
- De Echte Piraten
- De Gehoorde Stilte
- De Hit Gigant
- De Hollandse Piraten Gigant
- De Kwakkeloars
- De Olchtend Show
- De Piraat
- De Piraten Bar
- De Piraten Familie
- De Piraten Gigant
- De Platenkast van Gertjan
- De Tandem FM
- De Vrije Radio
- De Vrolijke Etherkrakers
- De Vrolijke Piraat Radio
- De Woonwagen Radio
- DeeJays Music
- Deep Dance Radio
- Deep FM
- Deep Radio
- Delta FM Netherlands
- Delta Radio Nijmegen
- Deltapiraat
- Den Haag FM
- Den Haag Totaal
- Denz Radio
- Derby Radio
- Derpradio
- DesiZone Radio
- Deventer Radio
- DHPG – De Hollandse Piraten Gigant
- Diamond Radio Leeuwarden
- Die Kirmesmusikanten
- Difference FM
- Digital 91 Fm
- Dijkland FM
- Dinxper FM
- Direct Fm
- Direct Life FM
- Disco Classic Radio
- Disco Electro Radio
- Disco Factory FM
- Disco FM
- Disco Line Radio
- Disco Radio Action
- Disco Radio Down-Town
- DiscoStrefasFM Club
- Dizgo Radio FM
- Dj Felix Radio Zone
- Dj Mantas Hardstyle Radio
- Dj Upstage Mixsets
- DjJapieOplocatie
- Djs Radio Life Style
- DMG Radio
- Dodoshow Radio
- DoekieFM
- Doliodoo Radio Amsterdam
- Dope 90s Radio
- Double Z Radio
- Downside FM
- Drag Radio Amsterdam
- DRC Radio
- Dream Team Internet Radio
- DreamStream Radio
- Drechtstad FM
- Drentse Piraten Combinatie
- Drentsepiraten
- DrentsePiratenTeam
- Drivers Night Radio
- Dutch Beats Radio
- Dutch Core FM
- Dutch Music Media
- Dutch Non-Stop Radio
- DZDRadio
- Easy 95.5 FM
- Easy Mundo Radio
- EasyFM 97.9
- Echte Piraten
- Efteling Kids Radio
- EftelingfanFM
- Egghosting
- Eldora FM
- Electro Techno Radio
- Electrophy Radio
- Elmos Radio
- Elstar Radio
- Enaira Ambient
- Enaira Night Beach
- Energy FM no1
- Engelse Koor Muziek
- Enschede FM
- Epic Prog Radio
- ET First Contact Radio
- Eureka FM
- Eurofied Radio
- Eurosong Radio
- Eurovisio Radio
- EVA Amersfoort & Leusden
- Excellent FM
- Exit Radio
- Extra FM Netherlands
- Extreme Radio
- Exxact Radio
- Face the Music
- Factorystation Radio
- FadingFM
- Falcon Radio
- Fantastic FM
- Fantastico Radio
- Fantasy Radio
- Favoriet FM
- FavoriteFM
- Feanster Radio
- Feel Good Radio
- Feel So Good FM 1
- Feel So Good FM 2
- Feeling Good Music
- Firma Dend Radio
- Flair FM
- Flamingo Radio
- Flash Sound Radio
- Flevo Dance Music
- Flevodance FM
- Flex Radio
- Flex Radio AAC
- Florida Radio
- Flux FM NL
- Focus 103
- Focus Fantastic
- Food and Lounge Radio
- For The Love of Music
- Foute Muziek Radio NL
- Fox Party Music
- Foxy FM
- Freak31
- Free Internet Radio
- Free Music Radio
- Free Radio Emmen
- Free Radio Rotterdam
- Free Star Radio
- Freeminded FM
- Freestyle FM
- Freez FM
- Frenchcore24FM Radio
- Fresh FM 105.9
- Fresh FM HITS
- FreshFM
- Friend Tastic Radio
- Friese Piraten
- Frits365 FM
- Fruzitime FM
- Fryske Top 100
- Fuddle Dance Radio
- Funky Beat Radio
- Funky Groove Radio
- Funny Hotel
- FunX Amsterdam
- FunX Arab Radio
- FunX Dance
- FunX Den Haag
- FunX Hip Hop
- Funx Latin
- FunX NL
- FunX Reggae
- FunX Rotterdam
- FunX Slow Jamz
- FunX Utrecht
- Fuzion Radio FM
- Gabber FM
- Gabber Radio
- Gamers FM
- GBC Radio
- Geheime Zender Stream
- Gelre FM
- Gerbera Radio
- Gertjan FM
- Gewoon Piraten
- Gigant FM
- Gigantenteam Radio
- GL8 Media
- Glass Rock
- Glind Radio
- Globe Radio
- Glow FM
- Goesse Radio
- Gold Star Radio
- Gold Track Radio
- Golden Country Song
- Golden Habbos
- Golden Music Stream
- Golden Oldies Radio
- Golfbreker Radio
- Good Country
- Good Vibrations
- Gooisch Music
- Gordon Music FM
- GoudaFM
- Gouden Piratenhits
- Gouwestad Radio
- Grand Prix Radio
- Greek Music Radio
- Grenslander Team
- GrensLandRadio
- GrenzRadio
- Groeistad Radio
- Grolloo Radio
- Groot Nieuws Radio
- Groove 95 Radio
- Grooveline Dance Radio
- Groovesociety Radio
- Groovex Radio
- Grow Junkie Radio
- Haarlem 105
- Haarlem Shuffle
- Habbo channel
- Habbo Fly
- Habbo Panel
- Habbo Stream
- Hackerspaces Signal
- Hanzeradio Zutphen
- Happy AM
- Happy Days Radio
- Happy Radio
- Happy Radio NL
- HappyHits
- Hard Core Radio
- HardBassRadio
- Hardcore NL Radio
- Harder FM
- Harderwijk FM
- Hardstyle FM Live
- Hardstyle Web Radio
- Haren FM
- Havenstad FM
- Havenstad Radio
- Hawai Hit FM
- Headbangers FM
- Heerhugowaard A Life
- Hej Radio
- Het Bosch Waterfront Radio
- Het Gelders Geluid Radio
- Het Kanon van Almelo
- Het Milano Team
- Het Noorder Geluid
- Het Noorder Team
- Het Oranje Team
- Het Uur Van De Wolf
- Hete Hits
- Heuvellandexpress Radio
- Hi On Line Classical Radio
- Hi On Line France
- Hi On Line Gold
- Hi On Line Jazz
- Hi On Line Latin
- Hi On Line Lounge
- Hi On Line Pop
- Hi On Line Radio
- Hi On Line World
- Hi Radio Nl
- HiFreak FM
- Higher Power Radio
- Hilversum Allround Radio
- HilversumDrie
- Hip Hop Hits
- Hit Formule
- Hit Gigant Radio
- Hit Mix Radio
- Hit Radio Veronica
- Hit Style Radio
- Hitgigantradio
- Hitradio Centraal FM
- Hitradio Liberty
- Hitradio MNL
- Hitradio RNI
- HitRadioCoco
- Hitradioloz Uit Leiden
- Hits 1
- Hits 4U Radio
- Hits4you
- Hitstad Radio
- Hitstream FM
- Hitz24 Radio
- Hitz99.5FM
- HoekmanFM
- Hoex Radio
- Hofstad Radio
- Hofstreek FM
- HOi FM
- Holiday FM
- Holiday Radio De Goudsbloem
- Holland Country Radio
- Holland NL
- Hollandia FM
- Hollands Palet
- Hollandtamilan
- Homegrown Radio
- Hopparadio
- Hosa Radio
- Hot Jamz Radio
- Hot O Twenty
- Hot Traxx Classics
- Hotbeatz Radio
- Hotradio Hits
- Hotrod Radio
- House Beats FM
- House Destination FM
- House Radio NL
- Houten FM
- HPCRadio
- Hype Radio Online
- i-turn Radio
- Ibiza Deep House Radio
- More Netherlands Radio »
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Albania
- Algeria
- Andorra
- Angola
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Arabic
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Aruba
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Bahamas
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Belize
- Benin
- Bermuda
- Bolivia
- Bonaire
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Brazil
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Cape Verde
- Cayman Island
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Comoros
- Congo
- Costa Rica
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Curacao
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- English
- Estonia
- Ethiopia
- Faroe Islands
- Fiji
- Finland
- France
- Gambia
- Georgia
- Germany
- Ghana
- Greece
- Greenland
- Grenada
- Guadeloupe
- Guatemala
- Guinea
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Honduras
- Hong Kong
- Hungary
- Iceland
- India
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Ivory Coast
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jordan
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Korea
- Kosovo
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Latvia
- Lebanon
- Liberia
- Libya
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Macedonia
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malta
- Marshall Islands
- Martinique
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mayotte
- Mexico
- Mix
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Montenegro
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Myanmar
- Namibia
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- Netherlands Antilles
- New Caledonia
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Niger
- Nigeria
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Popular Netherlands Radio:
Basila Chill

Tirolia Express


NPO Radio 1

Heuvellandexpress Radio


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