Italy Radio List
- 001Italia
- 1 Amazing channel
- 1 Amazing Rock Channel
- 1 Master Hip Hop
- 100 Suoni Natura E Relax
- 105 2k and More
- 105 Classics
- 105 Generation
- 105 Hits
- 105 InDaKlubb
- 105 Miami
- 105 Story
- 105 Trap
- 12 VdA Radio
- 141 Radio 90s
- 141 Radio Love
- 16Radio
- 201 Webradio
- 2Be Jazz Radio
- 35 TNT
- 35×80 Back to the 80s
- 4clubbers FM
- 565 Radio
- 70 80 live
- 70 80 NON STOP
- 70-80
- 7va Digital Radio
- 80’s Zone
- 80s Remix Radio
- 92100 Radio Station
- 97018 Radio
- A France Dream
- A Jazz Dream
- A Reggae Dream
- A Sleep Natural Mind
- A Slow Dream RnB Soul
- A SouL Radio
- Abruzzo FM
- AC3X Radio
- AdriaticFM
- Afri Radio Italy
- Afro House Night
- Afro Style Radio
- Ago Radio
- Ai Radio
- Alchemy Sound
- Ali Music Easy
- All Music WebRadio
- Alternative Radio
- ALTO suono ROCK
- Altro Verso
- Always Radio
- Ameria Radio
- Amiata Radio
- Amica FM
- Amica Radio
- Amica Radio Veneta
- Amici Radio
- Anime Web Radio
- Antenna 2
- Antenna Bruzia FM
- Antenna Febea
- Antenna Iblea Broadcasting
- Antenna Network
- Antenna Radio Esse
- Antenna United Europe
- Antenna Web
- Antenna Web L’Aquila
- Aperitivo Italiano
- ApeTime Radio
- Apple Radio Dance
- Areaevents Radio
- Argentovivo1
- Art of Music
- Artik Radio Web
- Associazione Radio Amore
- Atom Radio Italy
- Babayaga Radio
- Ballando Web Radio
- Bang Bang Radio
- BargyTownRadio
- Basilicata Radio Italy
- Battito Radio
- Battto Radio
- Baxtown
- Baywave Radio
- Beard Music Radio
- Bedda Radio
- Bella e Monella
- Bella Italia Radio
- Bella Radio
- Benetton Radio
- Bierredue
- Big Dream Radio
- Bitter Sweet Music IT
- Black And White Radio
- Black Planet Radio
- Blow Rock Radio
- Blu Radio Veneto
- Blue Revolver Radio
- BlueBop Radio
- Bluradio
- BluRadio Arona
- BML Radio
- BMR Blu Music Radio
- Bobba Radio
- Bohye Radio
- Boomer Sound Stream
- Boraonda Radio
- Border Nights Radio
- Bravo Maestro Radio
- Bravomaestro Radio Classic
- Bru Zane Classical Radio
- By Master Radio
- Byblos Radio FM 105.8
- ByoBlu Radio
- Cafe Roma Lounge
- Calabria Sona Web Radio
- Canale 100
- Canale10
- Caorle International
- Capital Disko
- Captivate Radio
- CCN Tortoli
- Centrale Milano
- Centro Mare Radio
- Centro Suono
- Centro Suono Sport FM
- Chalice Radio
- Channel Morbegno
- ChannelOne Radio
- CharityRadio
- Chic FM
- Chikkabeh Radio
- Chill Out Zone Italy
- Choice Stereo Italia
- Ciampino Web Talk Radio
- Ciao Radio
- Ciao Radio Sicilia
- CiaoComo Radio
- Ciccio Riccio
- Circuito International Radio
- Classic Collection
- Classic Radio 70-80-90
- Classica Bresciana
- Classical Radio Club
- Climbing Radio
- Club Generation Radio
- Clubradiolive
- Cluster FM
- CM09
- Coin Music Design
- Collective Waste
- Colors Radio
- Cometa Radio
- Comic Radio
- Comic Radio Italy
- Community Billboard Radio Caritass Milan
- Comoradio International
- Consulenza Radiofonica
- Contact Radio Italy
- Container Radio
- Contatto Radio
- Contro Radio
- Controradio
- Convitto Radio
- Cool Radio 7
- CoolZone Web Radio
- CosmoRadio Live
- Country Power Station
- Country Zone
- Countryline
- Cox 18 Stream
- CPN Radio
- Crazy Radio Web
- Creative Jazz Radio
- Cremonia Radio
- Crew Room
- CRM Happy Radio
- Cut Radio
- Cyber One Radio
- Dabliu Radio
- Daddy Radio
- Dance 80
- Dance Music Radio
- Dance Zone
- Danis Laclave Web Radio
- Danto Radio
- Dawubo Radio
- De Sanctis Web Radio
- Deegay Classic
- Deegay Radio
- Deejay 30 Songs
- Deejay 80
- Deejay Fox Radio
- Deejay Gasolina
- Deejay On The Road
- Deejay One Love
- Deejay One Two One Two
- Deejay Suona Italia
- Deejay Time
- Deejay Tropical Pizza
- DeejayFox Radio 2
- Deep Music Radio
- Deep Style Vanilla Radio
- Deliradio
- Delta Radio 1010
- Delta Radio 93.2
- Delta Radio Italy
- Detuned Radio
- Die Antenne
- Diffusione Stereo
- Dimensione Jazz
- Dimensione Radio
- Dimensione Suono Roma
- Dimensione Suono Soft
- Directory Media
- Disabili International Radio
- Disco Explosion Radio 2
- Disco Explosion Radio 2
- Disco Explosion Radio 3 – Dance Station
- Disco Explosion Rete 3 – Dance Station
- Disco Fritto Italia
- Disco Fritto Soft
- Discology Radio
- Discoradio
- Discovery 2 Radio
- Divina Radio
- DJ Etien FM
- Dj Mr.lucky On Air Sreaming
- Dj Osso Radio
- Dj Play
- DJK International
- DOT Radio
- DreamRamen
- Dreams Channel
- Dubai Lounge
- Duran Radio
- Easy and Italy
- Easy Network
- EasyApple
- Eco Radio
- Eklettika Country Radio
- Eklettika Radio
- Elle Radio
- Elleradio FM 88.1
- Emme Due Radio
- Emmeradio Music & Social
- Emmeradio Web Station
- EndTime Prayer Radio
- Energy Web Radio
- Engine Radio
- ERF Melodie
- Ergoradio
- Eros Radio™ Europe
- Erreci Radio
- Erredi Radio
- Erreti Radio Tadino
- Errevuti Radio
- Esauri Radio
- Essere webRadio
- Euronews Radio
- European Indie Music Network
- Evergreen Radio
- ExtraRadio
- EZ-Radio 102
- Fabric Live Webradio
- Fast Furious Web
- Filmari Radio
- Five Radio Italy
- Flat Circle Radio
- Florence International Radio
- Fly Radio Tv
- Fly RadioTV
- FM Classic
- FM Italia
- Forever 70
- Forever 80
- Forever 80 – Pop
- Forever 90
- Forever Rock
- Freakbeats Tekno Radio
- Free Radio Boschetto Holiday
- Free Radio Conselve
- Free Time Radio
- Free Your Mind
- FreeTime Radio
- Friends On The Radio
- Fun Radio Italy
- Funky Corner Radio
- Funky Disco Radio
- Futura FM
- Futura Web Radio
- Futuremet
- FutureNet-WorldWideRadio
- G Funk Vibez Radio
- G R Radio Onda
- Gamma Radio
- Garage Radio
- Ghisi Club Radio
- Giornale Radio
- Giornale Radio Rai
- Glab Radio
- Globo Vintage
- GMJ Radio
- Gold Radio Web
- Golden Radio
- Golden Radio Hits
- Golden Radio Italia
- Goodfellas Music Station
- GoodMorning Genova
- Goody Music Radio
- Groove Made
- Groove Room
- Groove Room
- Groovecafe Cover
- Groovecafe Thermarium
- GRU Radio
- GT Radio
- Happy Radio Italia
- Hard N Heavy Radio
- Hardstyle Radio Italy
- HEY DJ Radio
- Hi Five Radio
- Hibrido Radio
- Hit Radio Station
- HMH HouseMusicHistoryRadio
- HNG Channel
- Horizons Radio Genesis
- House of Dance
- House Station Radio Italy
- House Zone
- HRN Hit Radio Network
- I Love Music
- I Love Radio Italy
- Ibizaon Radio
- ICN Radio
- Icon Radio
- ICPRM Request Station Live
- Idea Radio
- Idea Radio Italy
- IL Panchina Webradio
- Il Ruggito Del Coniglio
- Illogic Radio
- ILR Chill and Groove
- ILR Italia
- ilTergi Radio
- ilTergiRadio
- Infinity Radio Web
- Inforadio Vicenza
- InMyRadio
- International 95.5 FM
- International Pinoy Radio
- Is Good For You
- Is Now Radio
- Isa Martini Radio
- Isoradio
- Italia Bella Musica
- Italia Classics
- Italia Dance Music
- Italia Radio Net
- Italia Random Music
- Italian Ciao Radio
- Italian Dance Network
- Italian Graffiati
- Italian Graffiati FM
- Italian Graffiati Radio
- Italian Radio – Only (romantic) Italian Music
- Italian Style Radio
- Italianaradio
- Italo Dance FM
- Italy Classical Radio
- Italy Radio
- Italy RVR Music
- iWebRadio
- J’adore Web Radio
- J&M Radio
- JamVibes
- Janga Radio
- Jazz Citta Futura
- Jeff FM
- JimJan Radio
- Jonica Radio
- Juice Radio Italia
- K Rock Radio Italy
- K-Tiger Radio
- Keep Radio Italy
- Key Radio
- Kids Radio Italy
- Kiko Music
- Killer Rabbit Radio
- Kiss FM Italy
- Kpop Zone
- Kristall Radio
- Krock RadioStation
- KTM Radio
- L Altra Radio
- La Banda di R101
- La Fenice Channel
- La Mia Radio Original
- La Musica Fa 90
- La R De Rumba
- La Radio Queteprende
- La Rocka Forte
- La Salsa Vive
- La Sestereo
- La Stanza
- Lady Radio
- Lamu Radio Trance
- LAradio Cittauno
- LaRockaForte
- Latte Miele
- Latte Miele FVG
- Latte Miele Puglia
- Lazio Radio
- Lecco Channel
- Libe Radio
- Life Gate Radio
- Lifearth Webradio
- LifeGate Radio
- Lina Web Radio
- Linea Radio
- Linea Radio Savona
- Liscio e Folk
- Litefm Free Music Radio
- Loli Pop Station
- Lolli Radio
- Lolli Radio Dance
- Lolli Radio Happy
- Lolli Radio Hits
- Lolli Radio Italia
- Lolli Radio Oldies
- Lolli Radio Soft
- Lolli Radio Soul
- Love FM Boutique
- Love FM Gourmet
- Love FM Italy
- Love FM On The Road
- Love FM Vintage
- LoveFM Area2
- Luceverde Radio
- Luna D’argento
- LwL Radio
- M100
- M2O Radio
- Madzonegeneration
- Mafia Radio Italia
- Magic Music Radio
- Mala Radio
- Maratea Web Radio
- Maria Galland
- Marilu Radio
- Masterbreak Radio
- Masters Radio
- MaxDoctorRadio
- MC 2
- MC2
- MC2 Buddha Bar Collection
- MC2 Cafe del Mar Collection
- MC2 Disco Inferno
- MC2 Gipsy Lounge
- MC2 Love Songs
- MC2 Made In Italy
- MC2 Montenapoleone Channel
- MC2 New Age
- MC2 Nu Disco
- MC2 Planet Rock
- MC2 R&B
- MC2 Revisited
- MC2 Smooth Jazz
- MC2 Tiffany Channel
- MC2 Unforgettable
- Media Hotel Radio
- Media Veneta Radio
- Mega Mix FM
- Mein Radio Sudtirol 1
- Melody Radio
- MEP Radio
- Meta Radio
- Metal Maximum Radio (MMR)
- Metal What Else
- MFM Radio Italy
- MG Radio
- Mi Amigo Radio
- Mikonos Lounge Night
- Milan Inter Radio
- Milano Lounge Radio
- Milano XR
- Mini Radio
- Mist Out Radio
- MITH Radio
- MiVida Radio
- Mix Time Radio
- Modena Radio City
- Modena Relax Radio
- Mondo Radio
- Mondo Radio Web
- MonkeysRadio
- Monte Carlo Nights Story
- Moon Radio
- Moroni Gioielleria
- MS Hit Radio
- Mucca Radio
- Multi Radio
- Music club
- Music Jazz Radio
- MUSIC STAR Coldplay
- Music Star Jovanotti
- Music Star Ligabue
- MUSIC STAR Pino Daniele
- Music Star Tiziano Ferro
- MUSIC STAR Zucchero
- Music Team Radio
- Musica Degli Anni 80
- Musica Jazz Radio
- Musica Semplicemente
- MusicAirport
- Musical Factory
- Musicon Web Radio
- MW Radio
- My Radio
- My Radio Italy
- Naija Gbedu Radio
- Napoli Citysound
- Napoli Ieri E Oggi
- Napoli Lounge
- Nature Radio Sleep
- Natures Trove
- Nautic Radio
- NBC Milano
- NBRadio
- Ncd – No Conventional Dance
- Neapolis Radio
- Network Studio 5
- New Generation FM
- New Life Radio
- New Radio Star
- Nexus Radio
- NFWR New Frontier Web Radio
- Nino Web Radio
- Nintendo Tunes
- No Limits Radio
- No Stop Music
- Nock Italia Radio
- Nohinondazioni Webradio
- Nonsolosuoni
- Novaradio Citta Futura
- Novesei Radio
- Nuova Radio 1485 AM
- Nuova Rete
- Nuova Spazio Radio
- NvRadio
- Oberima Radio
- OKRadio
- Old Radio Web
- Oltre Tutto Radio
- On The Rock Radio
- Onda Jazz
- Onda Libera 103
- Onda Radio Firenze
- Onda Riflessa Radio
- Onda Web Radio
- Onde Quadre
- OndeQuadre
- One Love Festival Radio Station
- One Shot Radio
- One Space Radio
- One4All Radio
- OnTilt Radio
- Open Radio 24
- OpenLab FM
- Opificium W3
- ORadio
- Otra Nota Radio
- Otto FM Anni 80
- Otto FM Italy
- Out Of Time
- Overground Radio
- Party Sound Radio
- Passion Inside Radio
- Penny FM
- Perfect Radio
- PHON.IN Classical Surround Radio
- PianetaB WebRadio
- PianetaB WebRadio
- Pizzica e dintorni
- Planet Hit Radio
- Play Emotions
- Play Emotions Hits
- More Italy Radio »
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Country: Italy | Genres: Death Metal, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Progressive House

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