Radio Tune is a music streaming directory that provides users with access to a wide range of online radio stations and music genres through the internet. We do not host or broadcast any of the streaming content directly on our platform. Our service only includes the station information and links to the official websites of the respective radio stations.
Radio Tune does not claim ownership or copyright of any radio station’s media streaming. All copyrights remain with the original broadcasters and content creators. Users of Radio Tune are responsible for complying with the terms and conditions set by each radio station or broadcaster they access through our platform.
We respect the privacy policies and intellectual property rights of all broadcasters. If a radio station’s content is restricted or not allowed to be streamed outside of its official website, we ensure that the stream is accessed through a pop-up media player hosted by the station’s site, respecting their technical restrictions.
If you are a content owner or broadcaster and wish to have your station or any content removed from Radio Tune, please contact us. We will take appropriate action to comply with your request as soon as possible.
To submit a DMCA takedown request or for any other related inquiries, you can reach us via email or through the contact form provided below:
Contact Form
Your cooperation is appreciated as we continue to respect and protect the rights of content creators and broadcasters.